Old Vine Project
The Sadie Family Wines

'T Voetpad 2018

South Africa, Swartland
Semillon, Palomino, Chenin Blanc, Muscat d'Alexandrie
Kokerboom 2018
Mev. Kirsten 2018


The name means The Footpath in Dutch, and comes from the name of Dirk Brand’swheat and rooibos tea farm, where the rustic block of old vines is tucked away.This is surely the most isolated old vineyard in the country, presumably originallyplanted to supply the farmer and his neighbours. Its 1.4 hectares host varietiesestablished in the Cape since the early days of European settlement, with most of theplanting done between 1900 – 1928, and all of the vines grow on their own roots(even the chenin - untroubled by phylloxera).The vineyard’s survival without irrigation is also extraordinary in this hot valley in thenorth of the huge Swartland region, near the village of Aurora and Elands Bay on thecoast. Its precise location has allowed it to survive, with an underground river flowingbeneath it from the mountains. No herbicides have been used, and grass and weedsbetween the vines help dry out the winter-wet soils, while driving the vine roots deeper.It is a special and unique place, producing wines of great character.’T Voetpad is a field blend of all the varieties - they are pickedand pressed together, and co-ferment in old wooden casks.



Analytical data


{0} g/l residual sugar
{0} g/l acidity


’T Voetpad is a field blend of all the varieties - they are picked and pressed together, and co-ferment in old wooden casks.

Vineyard: North-western side of the Piquetberg Mountains

This is surely the most isolated old vineyard in the country, presumably originally planted to supply the farmer and his neighbours. Its 1.4 hectares host varieties established in the Cape since the early days of European settlement, with most of the planting done between 1900 – 1928, and all of the vines grow on their own roots (even the chenin - untroubled by phylloxera).

The vineyard’s survival without irrigation is also extraordinary in this hot valley in the north of the huge Swartland region, near the village of Aurora and Elands Bay on the coast. Its precise location has allowed it to survive, with an underground river flowing beneath it from the mountains.

Soil Type

Heavily decomposed Table Mountain sandstone


No herbicides have been used, and grass and weeds between the vines help dry out the winter-wet soils, while driving the vine roots deeper.